Don't Confuse OIL, LIPIDS, & FAT - A Brief on Oil / Lecithin / Fat
WHAT WE WISH WE REMEMBERED FROM SCIENCE CLASS (OR, WHAT WAS NEVER TAUGHT) Note: The goal of this article is to remain brief and informative using layman's terms. Much of what is said here is fuzzy (as is everything in science if you look at the details) but it is the only way we can build any structure of this in our brain to remain in memory. FAT is a bad word. Literally. We should rename it TRIG or something along those lines. Why? Because it is misused and misunderstood and you'll soon see why. The spare tire around our waist is also called FAT, but is referring to cells specialized in storing TRIGs as energy (a.k.a. Adipose Tissue). Because...